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Reporting Incidents of Flooding

Posted 7 weeks ago (27/11) by Theresa Goss

Please report any incidents of flooding to Oxfordshire County Council, using their online form:

If the flooding affects more than five properties internally, it will meet the criteria for OCC, as the Lead Local Flood Authority, to undertake a formal Section 19 Flood Investigation Report. This report will provide an overview of the flooding event, identify potential causes, and recommendations to prevent future incidents. You can view previous reports for reference here - .

Regarding funding and grants from OCC, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government are responsible for determining and activating property flood resilience repair grants. These grants are then administered by OCC on behalf of DEFRA.
Unfortunately, DEFRA currently haven’t made any grants available following the recent flooding. If any grants do become available information will be posted about it here -

Here is some information on flood recovery which maybe find useful

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