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Part of the shorter Circuar Walk along a permisive footpath has been closed. An updated leaflet will be availble in due course. The current leaflet, as it is now out of date, has been removed from the PC web site.
The main walk is 4.5 miles and the shorter walk approximately 1 mile. Both walks start and finish at the Joiners Arms. The two walks can be combined and both routes include attractive views of the village church and the surrounding countryside with pleasant undulating meadows and farm land. Kissing gates have been installed on both routes.
Please refer to the following prior to starting out on the walk as it may contain important information for your enjoyment and safety. This website will be updated to include any known changes to the walk or route instructions printed in the walk leaflet.
November 2017. All paths of the circular walk are completely open, however please take care as paths and bridleways can be muddy especially by Nayland Farm.
Please take extra care when walking along Ells Lane. This is normally a quiet road but can get busy during school term especially at peak times (8:00-8:30am/3:00-3:30pm). Both walks are way marked but we also recommend walkers to use OS Map 191 Explorer. Do not take short cuts or walk any of the No Access routes shown in black on the map.
Walks are way marked but we also recommend walkers to use OS Map 191 Explorer.On occasion, landowners may erect temporary fencing to control the movement of livestock, however provision for walkers to proceed safely should always be provided. Should you encounter any access issues or obstructions, we would appreciate you informing Bloxham Parish Council.
Dog walkers need to take special care. Particularly in the spring, ground nesting birds and badgers can be disturbed by dogs. Dogs should be kept on leads and under close control at all times. When livestock are grazing in fields, current advice recommends that you do not walk close to, or between a cow and her calf. If you are threatened by cattle, you should let your dog off the lead. The walk includes access to permissive paths so please keep to the indicated path and respect the landowner’s livestock property, crops and machinery.
The walk is very enjoyable but you should wear appropriate clothing and footwear taking the weather into account. In periods of heavy rain, some parts of the route can be muddy. Bear in mind that mobile phone reception around the route may be intermittent however, we recommend taking a mobile phone with you in case you encounter any difficulty. Please follow the Countryside Code and enjoy your walk. If you would like to make any comments or suggestions please contact us
Bloxham Parish Council thank the land owners for their cooperation in granting permissive paths rights for sections of the walk and also the grant provided by the Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment (TOE2) and funding partner Grundon Waste Management Ltd through the Landfill Communities Fund.